Himalayan Black Volcanic Rock Salt (Kala Namak) - 250g & 500g

Himalayan Black Volcanic Rock Salt (Kala Namak) - 250g & 500g

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  • $6.90

Himalayan Black Volcanic Rock Salt (Kala Namak) - 250g & 500g

Black Salt, or Kala Namak, is a type of mineral salt that is mostly used in Indian cuisine or vegan cooking. Black salt is not jet black, but more a dark violet-gray, because of the presence of trace minerals and iron. It is not interchangeable with sea salt or table salt because of its distinct flavour.

It's herby and sulfurous aroma and flavour are good matches for other strong savoury flavours. Sprinkle on salads and fruits, and add to curries, chutneys and buttermilk.

According to India's classical medical science, Ayurveda, black salt is full of therapeutic benefits. It is rich in iron, and is a cure for flatulence and heartburn.

We also offer black salt in larger quantities, under Bulk Buy & Save

Ingredients: Black Salt

Origin:  Bangladesh/India/Nepal/Pakistan.

Enjoy Me...

  • Black salt heightens the flavour in food. It has a strong sulfuric taste and smell - the flavour hits quickly, then fades to leave a rich mineral salt taste. Interestingly enough, the very distinct aroma dissipates to some extent upon cooking and the end taste isn't as overwhelming as the first whiff you get when you open the packet.
Enjoy Me...
1. Black salt heightens the flavour in food. It has a strong sulfuric taste and smell - the flavour hits quickly, then fades to leave a rich mineral salt taste. Interestingly enough, the very distinct aroma dissipates to some extent upon cooking and the end taste isn't as overwhelming as the first whiff you get when you open the packet.
Renate 29/01/2021

This was the product that brought me to Happy and Healthy. I appreciated the eco packaging, and the fast online/post service, but most of all I am delighted to use the Kala Namak. Even looking at it, with its regular pyramidal crystal shapes and intriguing colour, and grinding it when I need it fine, are a pleasure.

I bought it for making scrambled tofu reminiscent of eggs, but I'm also enjoying exploring its effect on other foods.

Caution: don't assume the largish crystals will dissolve with the moisture of most dishes. I recommend grinding the crystals with motor and pestle (or something) if you are mixing it into a dish, but a few whole crystals look cool on top of some dishes.

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Tags: Himalayan, Black, Volcanic, Rock, Salt, Kala, Namak,